Contact Romanian Gymnasts
To contact Romanian gymnasts, there are two addresses that you can try:
Option 1
Write to the Romania Gymnastics Federation
To So and So Gymnast
Romanian Gymnastics Federation
Str. Vasile Conta 16
Option 2
Write to the gym at Deva
To So and So Gymnast
c/o Grupul sportive scolar Deva
Str.A Sever
2700 Deva
Some Tips
- Enclose with self-stamped envelopes if you are expecting responses. You can usually
buy international stamps in the post office
- Try to find someone who knows Romanian to translate the letter for you
- Do not get too upset if you don't receive response immediately, keep in mind that
many fans write to them and that they may not have time to write back
Best of Luck to everyone who's writing to them