August 24, 2000
Dear Supporters of the RLA Site:
I've read the messages that some of you left on the message board. I realize that many of you mentioned the fact that the site is not update very often. As the sitemaster, I felt an obligation to explain the site's torpor state and hopefully by the end of this letter you would understand my situation and continue to support this site.
I made this site in 1996, shortly after the big gymnastics show down at the Atlanta Olympics. I was a solid Romanian gymnastics fan at the time and subsequently I love the nation which produced such wonderful gymnastics. But as time progressed, I find it hard to keep the same passion that I once had.
Being a gymnastics fan is not easy, unlike football, tennis, or golf, you don't have constantly broadcast that can remind you why you felt in love with the sport in the first place. And with the new code of point...well, I am sure all you understand that getting excited over a 9.4 is simply impossible not to mention all the sub-nine scores.
As the flame dims, it's difficult to find the motivation to update this website. In the past months, I felt that I needed to take some time off to try to rekindle the passion for gymnastics and for Romania, a sport and a nation that I held dearly in my heart. I thank you all for continue to visit this site during its inactive period as the counter hit 10,000 in May, 2000.
The Olympics is starting in less than a month, I am hoping that something would hit me while watching it and perhaps I will once again find the motivate and the determination to update this site on a regular bases. Keep faith and we'll see what happens in the next few months. But no matter what happens, Romanian gymnastics RULES! Long live consistency and democracy! =)
Amanar A. Admirer (not my real name obviously, but since it's what many of you known me as, might as well)
RLA Webmaster